Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thoughts from Whitney- It's not over

“The World will keep spinning even if you think your life is over” One thing I have learned over the years is throughout all the stresses/issues of life and at the times when it feels like your world is over, everyone keeps on keeping on…the world keeps spinning.

So it is at those times when you have to rely on God; turn to him through all troubles. The times when you are at your lowest are the times when God wants to mold you. God desires our hearts to be broken, because in brokenness is when God has the power to mold us into what he wants us to be.

This year has been hard, at times I didn’t feel God, and at other times I was overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit and all I could do was fall to my knees, lift up my hands and cry out to him. When I speak to God I don’t use fancy words, actually most of it is mumbling because there is no word in the English language that can give God the justice he deserves. There is a worship song I love, I can't remember what it is called but one of the lines is “and I'll let my words be few” I believe that we as Americans think that we have to have the right words to say to God for him to be “impressed with us” but NO that’s not true at all, try letting your words be few, and God will fill you with his words.
God gave me a vision this morning during prayer time for Desperation, it was of a jar that at one point in life was full of water, but throughout the troubles of life and throughout all the enemies schemes that have prevailed in our lives our jar has next to nothing of water in it. there is only a tiny bit at the bottom, and that tiny bit isn’t even us fighting for God, but it is God fighting for us, it is the part of our heart that God still dwells in, even though we have turned out backs on him. But throughout the weekend/week/month/years Gods love is going to begin to overflow our jar, not just fill it, but OVERFLOW it!! So Consider it pure joy my Brothers, and Sisters, He is coming!!! Our Redeemer is alive!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thoughts from Curtis- Foundations

I used to work in Construction work when I lived in Arizona, and I loved it. One thing I noticed while working one day was the foundation. The foundation is the most important part of building a house; you can not build on the foundation if it is not properly constructed. Everything depends on the foundation and how it was made.

A few things I have noticed is that if your foundation is not properly constructed, the inspector will not allow you to continue on with the construction of the building. I believe this symbolizes if you do not build a foundation right you will not grow. Its like the parable that tell about the seed that fell on bad ground. All of the seeds were the same...the only descriminating factor that changed was the foundation that the seed fell on. That determined the outcome of the crop.

I believe if our foundation is built on lies or misconceptions of who God is and how we are called to live, then there will be no growth. In order to have growth, we need our foundation to be in God and God alone. He is the only one we can fully trust and be certain that when the storms come we will stand on God, the solid rock and foundation, and not be moved.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thoughts from Whitney- Africa

Africa was a phenomenal experience, and Im so thankful that I had the oppertunity to go! Gods hand was moving throughout the whole two weeks we were there, and not just in the children/people living in the village of Salajwe, but also in the leaders that helped us. Living in America, the wealthiest country in the world, we dont really see a lot of true poverty. Going to Africa you see it everywhere you look, and you would think the people who are having to live in such horrible conditions would not have any joy or enjoy life at all. Surprisingly it is the exact opposite.
I have never met people my whole life who have joy like these people possess. Every time we would walk by them they all (inluding the old people and all the children) would wave and say "Dumela" (meaning "hello") with the biggest smiles on their faces. It was a life changing experience. I was finding myself thinking about my own life here in the States and how terribly ungreatful I am and have been. It brought me to tears when I began to think of all my belongings and how I really dont appreciate them. I am learning that every little thing I buy with my own money or recieve as a gift from loved ones I need to take the time and really think about how lucky I am for every little thing in my life... inculding the people I take for granted.
God is the only one thing that can truly bring satisfaction and joy in this corrupted world the enemy has blinded us from in almost every way possible. I am sorry I had to go to a different country to actually find true joy and what it really is God longs for us to have each minute of every day.
...but now that I have found it I will never lose sight of it again. I am going to fight for the joy God has so freely given to me, and I am not going to let the enemy take it away from me ever again. God is my strength and my shield... of whom shall I fear?

Friday, May 16, 2008

Thoughts from Alleli- Unconventional

1 Corinthians 1:27- Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.

It's so evident! Littered all over the Bible are stories of people God decided to use. Take a look:

Joeseph, from the book of Genesis, was the youngest in his family. His dad favored him and gave him a sweet, colorful coat. His brothers got jealous and were planning on killing him, but instead sold him into slavery. After a few years of good times and bad times, he became second in command next to the pharaoh. Because of this, he saved basically the whole entire land from dying due to the 7-year famine.

God chose Gideon to be a judge of Israel. He claimed we was of the weakest tribe and the least of his family. He took 300 men willing for fight and annihilated a whole entire army of Midianites. We're talking a hoard of them...thousands.

David, the man who wrote a majority of the Psalms, was the youngest of 12 in his family. Yet God annointed him as King over Israel. He was a great military man, loved God, and was also a part of the Genealogy to Christ himself.

Timothy, of the new testament, was a young preacher. Youth was generally frowned upon by the public because it "reflected inexperience". Paul called him out and told him to keep pressing forward; keep doing what he's doing.

Honestly, how unconventional is God? If you haven't noticed, He likes to use the weak, the small, the unknown, unused, untested, irrational, irresponsible, immature, petty things to shame and humble us.

You haven't noticed? Maybe you're not looking.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Thoughts from Tiffany- Grace

If there has been one thing God has really been teaching me about the last few weeks, it has been His Grace towards me and just receiving it rather than arguing with Him !

I am one of those people who when I fail I am harder on myself than anyone else could ever be. I won’t forgive myself, and in so doing I couldn’t receive God’s forgiveness either. I thought God and I had already worked through all that with me, but it seems that it was just one step and this was just one more calling me to a deeper understanding of His GREAT love and grace.

I have been going through a lot of rough situations and have not always made the right choices. I would go to God with my frustrations and broken and tired of doing things wrong, the enemy was constantly trying to make me believe that my failures defined who I was before God, but I knew that wasn’t true. I started asking God everyday to tell me what really defined me in His sight and He faithfully started countering those thoughts and telling me that the only thing that defines who I am is His love and the price He paid for me. It was amazing, freeing, and gives me the strength I need to go through the rough moments and failures and really receive His forgiveness as well as forgive myself.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thoughts from Aimee- The Power of Prayer

I have so many thoughts rattling around my brain but I seem to have no words. How can I adequately express the depth and power of what God is doing in my heart? It goes so far beyond just a simple stirring to pray.
Just in the recent months God has really placed in me a heart to pray. It’s like suddenly a light turned on and I realized my prayers really do matter. By nature of being a Desperation Intern I spend a lot of time in prayer and I have always known that prayer is important. The truth is the idea that prayer is important has been so engrained in me and yet I’ve never had the conviction to pray.
The other night I was given the opportunity to pray with a student facing cancer. And suddenly the idea of prayer being powerful and effective really resonated within me. With everything in me I wanted to take away the burden that this young girl was carrying. I would have done anything to alleviate the fear that seemed to engulf this girl. It was then that I realized that aside from prayer I was powerless to make things better for her.
James 4:8 says:
“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”

As I prayed for that student, internally I was pleading with God to make my prayers powerful and effective. Like never before I truly desired for my prayers to matter. I prayed harder that night than I ever have before. My conviction that my prayers make a difference was backed by the idea that my prayer might be her only hope. The more I pray the more I realize that my prayers can be effective. My prayers can change a situation, a life, even the course of history. There is no reason for me not to pray and yet it is so easy for me to grow lax in that area of my spiritual life. But my prayers can make a difference. And I pray that God would make me one whose prayers are powerful and effective.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Thoughts from Cassie- Submitting Control

My life has been a crazy haze of business lately, but I can’t say I’m the only DI that feels this way. We are all working hard, getting ready for furnace banquet, getting ready for our missions trip to Africa, and finally getting ready for this thing we have been working on all year called DESPERTION ’08 COUNTING ON GOD! I have been especially busy lately due to a lot of pressure concerning my future and my family who lives here in Colorado Springs.
A huge thing God has been teaching me through it all, especially tour, is how to find rest and peace when everything around you seems to be pulling you at light speed. When a storm hits, it is human nature to sink your fingernails into anything stable to keep yourself from flying away. But Jesus himself is a prime example that the opposite course of action is the one we are called to take. Jesus prays in Matthew while kneeling face to face with the biggest trial he ever faced, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” And with those words released control of his life to God’s all knowing will.
It is the hardest thing to do, I think the most difficult decision Jesus faced, submitting his life in that way. This is the same decision we as Christian’s are called to every day. The words I hear in my ear every time I feel my heart beating fast with panic, or start clutching for something to hold on to “Let go and let Me be God” are the most terrifying and the most comforting. So what do I do in the mean time? Worship. In worship I have found peace, comfort, release, and most importantly an expression of my faith, my belief that God really is in control, He really does love me, He really is good.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thoughts from Curtis- No worries

Today I went out to my lunch with one of my friends and we started talking. During this talk I became worried about a few different things. I am moving back to my home town in august and was just worried about falling back in to complacency, school, work, ECT.
After our lunch I was suddenly reminded of the verse where Jesus tells us not to worry about our life (Matt6:25). After that verse jumped in to my head, I just felt like I didn’t care about anything...not in a hippie way. I think that when we put our trust in God and not worry about tomorrow and what we think it will bring.
God will lead us where we need to go and what we need to do. I want to challenge you right now if you are worried about school, college, work, ECT. If there is something worrying you right now, I want to encourage you to put your faith in God; trust in him and he will lead you through whatever you are going through. It says in the word he has a plan for us so if we believe that he does and put our faith in him we have nothing to worry about.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Thoughts from Kelly- Trusting

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.”- Psalm 28:7

Have you ever felt helpless, stuck in an unchangeable situation? I’ve recently come to a time in my life like this, but unlike any other time, I actually came out enjoying it. It’s weird, I know. I recently heard a message about living a broken life before God, no matter what your circumstances are. It’s in this state of brokenness when you can come before God absolutely desperate for Him, knowing that He is the only one that can fix it, that can put the pieces together for you.
This message was so timely for me. Early this week I came to a spot where I just stopped and asked myself: what is my life about, what’s my purpose, my vision? In all actuality I have no clue and that’s finally okay!! I am an achiever by nature, so I feel like that I have to have a plan, some course of action in order to be successful. However, God is totally shaking me in this. Can I not be content to just be living in His will?? Do I have to live up to the standard my flesh yells at me, or can I rest in God??
By no means do I believe I have passed this obstacle and conquered these questions, but I do know that the spirit of God inside of me has become stronger than my flesh these past few days and I have found myself completely broken in the presence of God, but living in a greater joy, each day better than the last. While truly relying on God, I have myself trusting Him and being filled in every way I could ever need. It’s from this goodness that my heart can “leap for joy” and I can live a fulfilling life.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thoughts from Whitney- Power

I’m learning that God placed power inside of me, and not just me. Everyone who claims Christ also have this power. We have the power to HEAL, yes HEAL the sick/hurting…I know it sounds crazy, but through Christ we can. We can also speak life into others, also known as prophecy. Growing up I always thought prophecy was so weird, but it really isn't if you think about it. It really is just encouraging words from God that people need to hear.
So with all of this power that has been given to us what are we doing with it? I know for me personally I'm not doing much. Don’t get me wrong, I will have my days when I totally feel the presence of God and I'll walk right up to somebody and God speaks through me.
It's not that some days you ‘feel” God, and some days you don’t; God is ALWAYS with us and always wants to speak to us. We just have to unplug our ears and listen…
He has so much on the other side of the door, and sometimes I feel like we just stand looking at the door…too afraid to see the treasures God has for us. Maybe our eyes are not mature enough to see them yet, but we need to take a step of faith and open the door that’s before us…The treasures are worth the pain.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Thoughts from Curtis- Tour

Hey everyone I Just got back form tour and it was amazing! One of my most memorable moment on tour was in Fort Smith Arkansas, during the prayer portion of the prayer meeting, was hearing the prayers of the students I was praying with.

At first they seemed a little scared and timid, but all of the sudden it was like a fire just ignited and their prayers completely changed. To hear the prayers form these kids broke my heart in so many ways. They were hungry for something deeper then they have ever experienced, and were willing to do whatever it takes to get it. They prayed for their schools, friends, church and so much more.

This tour was beyond words for me because of the way God moved and how people’s lives were changed. It is so hard to right this blog today because I don’t have the words to tell you what happened.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Thoughts from Alleli- Forgiveness

Luke 5:5-8 -- " Master," Simon replied," we worked hard all last night and didn't catch a thing. But if you say so, I'll let the nets down again." And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking.
When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, "Oh, Lord, please leave me -- I'm too much of a sinner to be around you."

Jesus had healed the sick, raised people from the dead, and casted demons out of those possessed. Yet he also cared about the struggles of daily living. He filled boats with fish after a bad day of fishing. He paid attention to the children when everybody else ignored them. He cried with friends mourning the death of family members.

So why would He not care about you? He knows you better than you know yourself. I have had many friends say to me, "Oh God could never love me. He doesn't want me. I've done too many bad things..."

What a load of CRAP. Take a look at the many stories in the Gospels:

One of Jesus' disciples, Matthew (or Levi), was a tax collector. Tax collectors were generally considered dishonest men in the community since they took more than what the government required and keeping excess for their own personal piggy bank.

Jesus spoke to a Samaritan woman at the well. The Samaritans were a despised group of people by the Jewish community for the immorality of their ancestors. He also went as far as to offer "living water" and speak of her private life and still forgive her of her sins.

There was a woman in Luke 7 who annointed Jesus' feet with perfume. She knew her many sins were forgiven and couldn't help but praise Jesus by anointing him with fragrances and washing his feet with her tears.

Ummm....I could keep going, but my point is Jesus isn't looking to bash us over our heads with our sins. Jesus has grace and we need to accept that grace. Granted, we can't just go around doing things we know aren't healthy or legal and just figure God will forgive us. That defeats the purpose. You know, every time I read the Gospels, I get a new revelation and insight on just to how much God has really forgiven me. It astounds me every time I think about it and it also makes me realize just how much I really need Jesus to have control over my life.

It says in Luke, "Healthy people don't need a doctor-- sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent." I plan on taking that to heart. I'm sick, I need Jesus. I accept the gift of grace and forgiveness He offers. I encourage you to do the same.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Thoughts from Macy- The Blessed Will of God

Philippians 4:9 "Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."

What is my purpose in life? Am I even doing this whole, "walk with God" right? God has hope to give me a future, but what if I'm screwing that future up? Is this the will of God?

Me, as well as a lot of you, I'm sure have come to the cross roads of these questions. Some times I think, "I have to know it all NOW or my life is automatically off God's will." These questions/thoughts can only lead to one thing, and let me be the first to tell you it ain't Jesus. These thought patterns are awful to get into. It can make you feel guilt, shame, mistrust, and temptation. It will lead you down the road to questioning your faith, and your foundation as a whole.

So, let's look at your foundation. What is it built on? Silly things like church hymns, and memorized scriptures? or is it built on the characteristics of Jesus. Look at the scripture above. Now, answer me this: Why are we worried about the future? The solution to being in God's will is incredibly simple- Do things as Jesus did, do them as he tells you to, and do them well.

As humans we must feel it's our responsibility to over complicate things Jesus did. For some reason or another, it is near impossible for us to think that something so vast, such as completing God's perfect will for our life, can have such an effortless answer. Start believing my friends. By looking at this scripture you should see that the more your worrying about the future the more your eating tomorrow's Mana. All God has for us today it to practice what we already know. In other words, eat the Mana God intends for you today, in this moment. By doing this we will be one step closer to seeing the fullness of God. Relax, do what God says, and walk in the on-going, everlasting, wonderful, spectacular, peace of God.

Thoughts from Aly- Singleness

Singleness.....most people view it as a curse, but is it really? When you are single, the loneliness can be overwhelming at times, but would your loneliness be cured if you shared your life with someone? Would you truly be satisfied laying in someone's arms? Can someone else tell you who you are? Can someone else tell you they love you enough times for you to truly believe it and never doubt it? Can someone make you feel safe or secure all the time? Is it possible for you to become a better person by having someone at your side forever? If you are only half a person to begin with, can someone make you whole?

I know the answer to these questions....the someone is not a man or a woman, it is Jesus Christ. He is the only person who can ever tell you who you are....in Him. He is the only one who can make you a whole person so you can pour into others without being afraid of running dry. He will tell you He loves you in so many ways and so many times that you will never have reason to doubt. And if you do, He'll tell you again and again just how much He loves you until you believe Him again. All you have to do is ask. In His arms, you will be truly satisfied. Not a fleeting satisfaction, but a lasting all-encompassing satisfaction. When you allow Him to speak into your life and heart and be constantly by your side, you will never be lonely. In the dead of night, He is there. When you are shedding those silent, agonizing tears, He is there. Even when you can't express your pain in words, when another human being would be helpless to understand, He knows exactly what you need and can touch your heart in a way no one else can.

Many times, as I go through life, people ask me why I am single. I'm single not because of circumstance or necessity, but by choice. I am choosing God and He is more than I ever dreamed. It sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? That's what I first thought, but He has continued to whisper into my ear over and over and I am certain now. He is more than enough. I am content being single. Not a grudging acceptance, but content...satisfied....happy to be single. Now, in my time of singleness, I can chase after God with all of my devotion. A verse in Acts has caught my attention.

“He had four unmarried daughters who prophesied.” Acts 21:9 (NIV emphasis added)

This is such a small, often overlooked verse, but it has so much to teach. The daughters were unmarried....and they prophesied. There is a power in singleness because of the devotion you have the opportunity to give Him. Another key word is four. There wasn't just one daughter who hadn't yet been married off. There were four. In that day and age, daughters were usually married off as quickly as possible so the father didn't have so many to care for. This strikes me as unusual that there were four of them all at the same time and ALL of them prophesied.

Don't look at your singleness as a curse, look at it as an opportunity. Now is the time I can serve God and learn who I am. A time to develop my character and pour my life out for others.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thoughts from John- Grace and Legalism

I just got off the phone with a man interested in starting his own internship program and he said something that really hit me. We can doing anything starting with the foundations of God and grace, but we as humans can turn anything into legalism. As humans, we all have weaknesses in our grace. I recognize this live among a world that shows this.

My heart cries out for a generation to hold themselves not to individual standards, but a generation that holds the standards of God. One of the greatest views I see in God is His love and grace. He has so much and is willing to give it to all of us, but He will eventually hold us all to the same standard. God’s love in consistent and equally infinite to all.

What I am learning and seeing is God wants us to all to recognize He loves us so much (and if you don’t believe me check out Zephaniah 3:17 or read Passion for Jesus by Mike Bickle)! The thing I struggle with and realize is we all don’t feel like God “speaks to us”, but the question I am now forced to answer is am I really listening? How can I say I don’t know God’s love or I don’t hear God today when I am not looking for these things?

We can’t be caught up in what we aren’t seeing and we have to concentrate on what we can see and what we hope for. We must stop condemning ourselves for the sake of self pity. I have faith in God, and I know that all times will come to pass with proper listening and action. So I encourage you take some time everyday to listen to God and love some people. With these actions we will begin to shift from condemning legalism to a generation living in love and making God’s love complete.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Thoughts from Cassie- Knowledge

Today during the first hour of the prayer meeting I was looking back through my journal, and I stumbled upon this entry from a while back I thought was beautiful:

So, I have found something amazing. Knowledge of God is not something freely given, God gives it to those he trusts, those who fight for it. Just as I feel I need to be fought for, so does God. He fights for us every day, and I’m beginning to see one of the best ways I can show my love for Him is to fight for His knowledge, to fight for the words He has for me.

Proverbs 2:3- “Yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.”

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thoughts from Aly- The DI Plague

Over the past week and a half or so, a plague has hit our Desperation team. It doesn’t seem logical as to whom it hits or when, but when it hits, it’s not playing around! It chose to strike me last Thursday. I was down for the count. I spent 72 hours in bed, most of it sleeping. I didn’t have the energy to do anything.

I was praying about it the other day. I asked God why I was so ill and for such a long period of time. I’m not normally one to get sick. I had been sleeping a lot and eating healthy so why was I so sick? His answer caught me off guard.

The couple of weeks before I was sick had been particularly dry for me spiritually. I was distracted at prayer meetings. I only read my Bible out of habit. I would often speed read through just so I could say I finished my reading. My God time went from an hour or more of profound time with my Savior to being completely satisfied with half an hour of dry reading, journaling and listening to music.

God said I was spiritually sick long before I became physically sick. Because I was spiritually weak, I had opened myself up to physical sickness. It was the first time I connected my spiritual life to my physical well-being. It was a gigantic revelation to me. My spiritual life has become tied to every other aspect of my life, intricately involved to be exact. Because I was sick, it forced me to spend quality time resting. I was able to have my first productive God time in weeks. I felt refreshed and was on a God high for the rest of the night.

Since then my physical body is getting better much faster. More importantly, I’m not spiritually sick anymore. My heart feels alive again! So I would encourage you, check your spiritual health regularly. Don’t ignore your spiritual health it’s even more important than your physical health!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thoughts from Susan- Giving it up

If there’s anything that I’ve learned in the past 24hours it’s that life likes to kick you when you’re down. Yesterday started out pretty bad and though I was determined to keep a positive perspective, it just seemed that the hits kept on coming. For a while I had the typical woe is me mentality, I was so angry my stable little world was being shaken so fiercely, I wanted to react, to lash out, and to hurt someone as much as I was hurting. In another point in my life I would have gone that route...

Instead this time I chose to give it up to God. I laid it all down, the hurt, the rage, the helplessness and confusion. Even though I couldn't comprehend why any of this was happening, I trusted God was walking with me through this. I know he’s given me the strength to handle this with more wisdom and grace than I ever knew I possessed.

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?...I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait on the Lord” Psalm 27:1 &13-14

Friday, February 22, 2008

Thoughts from Kelly- Battling Contentment

Being content has been one of my greatest battles recently. I know God has brought me to a place in life where I am fully alive and happy but I never want to be satisfied with where I am! The only time I want to be satisfied in my walk with Christ is the day I’m with Him in Paradise.
I was strongly convicted during a prayer meeting early this week. The worship leader stopped one song into our corporate worship time and said he thought we needed to stop because we were just going through the motions. My intentional thoughts are not some I’m proud of, I said, “Who does this, I mean honestly, we just started worship!” I answered my own question later though: a godly man does, one who is eager for God to move in His people and is sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
I was lifting my hands in worship and singing because that’s what the normal thing to do is. I lost the passion and fiery love for God and was just going through the motions. My heart wasn’t alive, I wasn’t actually worshipping, I was just doing what felt right.
Since then I’ve been super intentional in my times of worship. I set my heart before God and pray He’ll spark it alive, that it would burn before His throne as something pleasing and holy. I don’t want to worship for the sake of feeling good about myself or because I like the music. I want to be so in love with God I couldn’t help but express my love in return to Him through my worship and my life.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Thoughts from Whitney- Respect

God is really teaching me what respect is. Growing up I made a lot of mistakes, and I never learned how to respect men. Other than my father, I never really respected men period. But I am learning that men just want to be treated like men, and that means respecting them.

I’m also learning that my emotions are a gift from God. God made women to be emotional beings so we can help/connect with others that are hurting. I used to be ashamed that I was like that, but now that I know it’s a gift, I am proud. There are going to be things in life that only a man can do, as well as there will be things that only women can do.

We have to be content with who we are, and be pleased with how God has created us. Embrace his love, and you will find yourself learning to love yourself just the way you are.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thoughts from Curtis- Kingship

In desperation internship right now I am in a class called World View. The class explains about how different people have different views according to religion, Social status ECT. One of the issues that came up in the book was about The Kingship triangle. In this triangle it shows the connection Between Man and Creation, and how they Work together. The link between them is Stewardship.

I think that Stewardship is a big part in our walk as a Christian. In the bible Jesus uses the parable where the master gives his workers money as he goes on his journey, Two out of the three went and invested(not gambled) the masters money. The third on the other hand did not invest but buried it in the ground ther for not gaining any value. When the master returned, he praised the two for they had made more than what was given, but he rebuked the third for he did not use Steward what he had.

I believe that we need to be GREAT stewards of the things that God gives us so he can trust us with more. God says if we a faithful with little he can in trust us with more. I want to challenge you right now, if you have something little on your hands (like a small school prayer meeting, or meeting with one guy on a weekly basis to talk), don’t be discouraged. Just stay steady and be faithful with what you have and God will give you more.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Thoughts from Aaron- Kansas

I grew up in the country, on the plains of Kansas. Most people go through Kansas on their way to some place exciting, they look along the highway and see the most boring state there just might be. However, they don't see the side of the Kansas country that I do. I used to go outside in the afternoon and just sit on our hillside during the late summer when the wheat is tall; I would just go out and stare at it. I have only been to the ocean once when I was little, but this was just as good.

When the wind starts blowing through it, the wheat generates waves of texture; the birds diving in and out; it’s quite a spectacular site. The wind would whistle through the trees, and I could start to hear faint songs that feel as if God Himself was singing to me. And when its night, the view is amazing, I can see all the stars plain and clear, it’s so much more beautiful when you see more than just the major constellations. They fill the sky and you can see galaxies themselves. The ocean of wheat still waving with the wind, all of it would bring me an overwhelming sense of peace and comfort.

I love sit and watch and listen to the very creation God made, knowing that He desired me over all of it. This world can seem ugly, filthy, and boring most of the time, but I try to realize what it would be like without all of the industrialization, and constant mutilation we put it through. I like to think of what this world would look like in its original state, at the dawn of creation, the beauty that it was designed to be. Every time I get over-taken by the materials of this world, or I can’t find the beauty in the earth that I stand on; I think about my home. I can see myself on a hill side, staring at the handy work of God, and its helps to bring me back to my senses. It helps me realize that the work of God is far more creative and satisfying than the work of man. It’s good to know I'm in His hands.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thoughts from Tiffany- Awakening

At the end of December 6 of us went to One Thing at Bardle Hall in MO and I was captivated by the passion in the leaders and the body of believers there. It was so encouraging to me and made the passions in my heart for the Body of Christ even stronger and even clearer. Like I mentioned at our class today, my passion for around 1 year now has been to help usher in an awakening in the Church, although now over the last 6 months it seems to have become more urgent in my spirit. This passion and urgency was burned deeper into my heart while I was there and my understanding of our position in the awakening in the church as well.

Corey Russell’s teaching at One Thing really brought more understanding of the blindness of the Church and how much more serious it is. He was also talking about our inheritance as God’s sons and daughters to, first and foremost, be in a place of intimacy with God that surpasses all we have known. It is this that we need to fight for, that the Church would be awakened to see their inheritance in Christ, and be completely free from the entanglements of this world. My heart has been stirred to a greater level to fast and pray for the Bride of Christ to also have a revelation in who She is, and to stand firm in that Bridal Identity to Usher in the Coming of the Kingdom of God.

Lou Engle was talking about the judgments to come because of the innocent blood we have shed of over 50 million babies killed from abortion, saying their blood cries out louder than that of Abel. During the Call, I was captured by the seriousness of the sin we have allowed in our nation and the blindness much of the world has toward these issues. Lou said “Abortion is not a political issue it is a Kingdom issue” , I had not thought of it in that way separating it like that although I knew (to the best of my ability) it was something that grieves the heart of God . As the Call went on, I continued to be awakened to see the true light of my life here on earth and finding that “I” don’t matter but it is all about Christ receiving the reward of His suffering. So I find it easier to lose myself to gain the joy of giving it all to glorify Christ…

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thoughts from Curtis- Jesus on Leadership

Hey Everyone
So I have been reading this book called Jesus on leadership and I love it. If you are or you think you are a leader I would highly recommend this book. One point of this book that I just love is that a leader is like a person on a soccer team, more then someone playing golf trying to win a tour. I love this because a leader is one that is not self focused but team focused. Instead of trying to see what the best is for you, you think of others and always have the end in mind. Golf players are in it for themselves; They train for themselves, motivate themselves and get all the glory when and if they win. Soccer players on the other hand, they have to be motivated together. If one person does not see the same as the others they can easily give the game away because of their lack of focus on the end result. We as leaders need to work together in this world and not be so caught up in ourselves that we don’t see how our team is suffering from our independence. And when we start to work together like a team we will see how easy it is to lead others.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thoughts from Macy-Heart

After long conversations with close friends and relatives, I’ve become more and more sensitive to the facts of heart, or rather what we’re feeding our hearts. Matthew 15:18 says, “But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man ‘unclean.’” To really understand what’s in the heart, you have to see the heart under the most intense situations, for example: a bad day.

Consider this scenario: you’ve had a really rough day at work. On top of your boss yelling at you, you spilled a double tall mocha on your brand new white shirt. You trip on the random curb as you finally arrive at the place I hope you treasure most, home. What is the first thing you do? Maybe you run for the fridge to pull out your half pint of Ben and Jerry’s half baked ice cream, or perhaps you just go straight to the TV to numb out the days worries. Who or what do you first turn to?

The answer to this question, although it may seem simple, will tell what you fill the void in your heart with. Even a husband or best friend can take the place specifically meant to be filled by Jesus. That’s why you need to learn, as I am learning, to make God your default button. An easy to do this is to have a scripture on your tongue always, and for every occasion, that way when your boss comes in yelling instead of spiraling into self doubt and pity you first reaction will be, He who loves discipline, loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. So, friends I encourage you all to really observe the issues of your heart this week. Find out what God is trying to tell you to fix and fix it!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thoughts from Tiffany- Mission

So over the past week God has been speaking to me through many different sources about my Mission in life, and how important it is. In our class on Leadership Management we are reading a book called Jesus On Leadership. In this book I have learned a lot about what a true leader looks and lives like. In Principle 5 “Take up the Towel” there were some things he said that jumped out to me. He said:

“When one becomes servant to the mission, that mission becomes the resolve (stead fast purpose) that is the basis of strong leadership during critical times.”

“Leaders falter in the face of challenge when they don’t have or fully understand the mission”

This struck me and really got me thinking about my mission in Life. Then we went to our Furnace spring retreat (Encounter) over this weekend. On Saturday we spent 1 ½ mapping and writing out our mission statement through a series of questions having to do with our passions and core values. It really helps to clarify what I should have my focus on in everyday life, and keeps my mind on God’s plans for me and not my own. I would encourage you to sit down and map out your missions statement to help direct your focus in life to God and His plans for you.

Thoughts from Aly- Ultimate Frisbee

Get this mental image. City Park in downtown Denver. 16 college students. Sunny skies. A light breeze. Patches of snow. Patches of mud. Dead grass. A Frisbee and a field covered in goose droppings. THE ULTIMATE FRISBEE GAME OF THE CENTURY! This past Saturday, we were in Denver for our Furnace Encounter. For the afternoon we split into 10 or so groups to go on excursions.

I led the excursion for Ultimate Frisbee. First we waited for the hotel courtesy shuttle for fifteen minutes. We decided to walk since the park was “not very far”. A mile and a half walk later, we finally arrived at city park. (We kind of cheated and used Google maps on someone’s phone because we were concerned about walking around aimlessly for hours). Most of the fields were covered in snow. In fact, there were children skiing on one of the soccer fields.

Finally in the distance we spotted an open field. It was free of snow, had trees lining one side, and had enough room to play a decent game of ultimate. Once we got closer, we came to the realization that it was free of snow but covered in goose poop. And I don’t mean just patches, I mean COVERED! Since we had already walked so far, we weren’t about to surrender now. We played for two hours. It was an intense game. Each team answering the other with points. Extreme competition was present...all this was accented by trying to keep our footing on the slippery field. Normally you don’t want to fall, but with goose poop everywhere you REALLY didn’t want to!

The ending score was 10-9. The last point took probably twenty minutes to score, but finally my team triumphed! By the end of the game, 3 out of the 16 of us were NOT covered in goose poop and mud. (I was one of the three!) It was absolutely incredible... easily the best Ultimate game of my life!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thoughts from Whitney-Encounter

Hi Everyone! We just got back from our Furnace spring retreat: Encounter. God really opened my eyes to a lot. He made me realize true happiness only comes through Him, and the longer I go on trying to find my own way through life, the more unhappy I will become.

This past weekend taught me that I have to make an EVERY day commitment, not just a day or a week or a month or a year, but an EVERY day commitment to Him. Every day I tell God I am His, and I am committed to following His will. I find I am learning more everyday about Him with this commitment I am choosing to make daily. Although the commitment I have made this past week is a hard one, I know that His all-powerful will is all I need. No matter where He places me in the world, I will find joy and happiness.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Thoughts from Aimee- Trust

Growing up in a Christian home I always thought that I trusted God in every area of my life. I am slowly learning how untrue a statement that is. Whether it is a lack of money, a question about my future, or even a tragic event, I cannot comprehend how much my life is being revolutionized by the idea of trusting God.

Before this year, my life was stable. I knew what I would be doing the next year, that there was enough money to provide for my needs, and though there were at times tragedies, the negative effects were short-lived. Never before have I had to so fully rely on God. I have been utterly terrified by the thought that I am not in control of my life. Not having control goes against everything in my nature. I am a planner and a fixer, and for the first time in my life, I am not able to figure out how things in my life will work.

Fortunately for me, even with a somewhat chaotic life and unplanned future, I have a God who is faithful and mighty. God has promised I can trust in Him because He has an awesome plan for my life. God is not going to call me and then abandon me. I am on God’s side and He is going to guide me and take care of me.

Psalm 112:7-8 says:
He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD. His heart is secure, he will have no fear; in the end he will look in triumph on his foes.
My prayer is that my heart would be steadfast, trusting in the Lord no matter what my circumstances are. Life may not turn out the way I expect but God is faithful and trustworthy. There is no need to fear.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thoughts from Cassie- Glory

The other day I was sitting in a prayer meeting and quietly singing along with the band. I was singing quite contentedly when I realized what the words were. They were, “Let your glory fall.” I thought struck me, what is glory? Not just any glory, but what is God’s glory? How can it fall? How can we give Him glory? Just some food for thought.

I looked up glory at dictionary.com and it really cleared it up for me, check it out http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/glory. It appears glory is also another word for beauty or splendor. I also looked up verses on glory and my favorite was:

2 Corinthians 3:17-18
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes fro the Lord who is the Spirit.

Bless you and may you discover the glory of God this week!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thoughts from Alleli- Growth

I'm surprised the DIs haven't told me to shut up yet. I talk about "my girls" a lot...almost obsessively. Why? Because they're my girls.

One night, almost two years ago, I was driving with one of my girls, Lauren. We were talking about all the transition and change our church was going through. We had a new lead and youth pastor which brought a lot of change. Now, I don't necessarily do well with a lot of change. I was used to the way things were being done. I liked how things were being done; there was nothing wrong with it.

I told Lauren how I felt about all the transition and how I missed how things used to be done. She then said to me, "If you're not changing, you're not growing." That's a lot of conviction from somebody who's four years younger than me. Mind you, she was 14 at the time.

I'm 20 years old; change is inevitable. My parents are graciously taking care of my insurance payments as well as my cell phone bill. But sooner or later, I'm not going to be living in the comfort of my parents' financial umbrella. That's just one example of change I'll be going through shortly. I better grow and learn how to take care of my own financial needs.

So it got me thinking, if we're comfortable, typically we're complacent, we're apathetic, we're wasteful. It's not that we're losing ground, but we're not gaining any. There is nothing inherently wrong with being comfortable, but there needs to be a concious decision to gain ground and at least toe the line of something different.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Thoughts from Curtis-Real Faith

I was reading Psalm 27:2 “When the wicked come against me to eat my flesh my enemies and foes they stumble and fell. Though an army may encamp against me, my heat shall not fear; though war mat rise against me. In this I will be confident.”

I think that is a major declaration of how much David had faith in God and not man. I, for a long time, was really fickle with my relationship with God; on good days I would read my bible (and enjoy it). I was really in to worship and prayer and just felt good inside. But on bad days… it was really hard to come to the conclusion that God loved and cared about me.

As I read this the biggest part I see is we can’t let external elements determine our internal praise to God. You have to know in you heart that you will serve God in the good and bad times. Jesus never said it would be easy for us to live a life fully devoted to the pursuit of God. We know that there will be bumps in the road, but it's not about how many times you're hit; it's about how, when you get hit, if you are going to move forward and onward or back off.

I know this will not be a walk in the park, but if we put our trust in God, we can rest knowing greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. We will overcome, and it does not matter what happens to us now. We will still be found in desperate pursuit of God.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thoughts from Jasen- Introduction

Hey there

My name is Jasen Petersen. Over break I did a lot of stuff... mostly just sat around, but I went to see I Am Legend and National Treasurer 2. They were really good. I also had Christmas with my family, and that was awesome. I got to hang out with friends and just have fun. I received a lot of clothes for Christmas as well as a set of headphones and money. I want to encourage you to keep praying and reading your Bible.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Thoughts from Kelly-Radicals

Who are the radicals?? I can't count how many times I've been called a 'radical Christian' since starting this internship. When I think about it, I could've done anything, gone anywhere. I had close to perfect grades and was a multi-sport athlete. I had the whole world in my hands, yet I took a year off school, left behind everything I was accustomed to and comfortable with and began a journey I wouldn't have even been able to dream of. I intentionally left behind the world of my past and started towards something much bigger than myself: a quest towards God.

While talking to an old pastor of mine, I was charged with a question. In the conversation I had made mention of radical Christianity several times before he finally asked me, "Kelly, what exactly is a radical?" It stopped me in my tracks!! Here I was, proclaiming myself to be something I didn't even know the definition of. My pastor could tell I wasn't at all expecting the question and laughed a little, before expanding on his wisdom.

A radical is someone defined as extreme, so what then is extreme Christianity and where exactly is it modeled? A radical Christian is one who is sold out; one who is abandoned to a cause greater than himself. A radical is one who surrenders their all, for the all of their King. The conversation stirred something inside of me. How many times have I surrendered again and again before the cross, yet moments later try to control all that's occurring around me?

So I've made a conscious decision: I'm only picking up my cross, nothing of this world, none of my own desires, worries, or pain. Only the cross and with my cross I will strive to abandonment. I WANT TO BE SOLD OUT!! Anyone with me??

Thoughts from Aly- Onething

“One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temle.”
Psalm 27:4

24 hour prayer and worship before the Throne of the Lord. Intercession for the nations and this generation. Waiting to hear the Lord speak. Immediate obedience and a heart completely alive to His Spirit. This is the vision of the Onething conference hosted by the International House of Prayer in Kansas City.

I attended for the first time this December and it was life changing! Over the four day conference God started a fire in my heart to start 24 hr prayer and worship across the nation. On the last day, we participated in The Call. The Call is a 12 hr period of fasting and praying for the nation. It was the best way to welcome in a new year I have ever experienced. We prayed for the issues of abortion and pornography keeping this nation in bondage. We prayed for our president and for the future president. My favorite part was when we prayed for healing for people in the room who were sick or injured. The group I was with experienced a miracles in our midst.

The man we prayed for had been suffering from back pain and a 70% curvature of his spine for years due to football injuries. While we were praying for him, we didn’t know what we were praying for only that we were praying for healing. As we were playing he felt fiery heat travel up his spine. His back started popping and the pain left. When we were finished praying he was standing up straight and had full range of motion.

It was amazing to see God work miracles that day. The Bible came alive to us. It was the most intense experience of my life. It was incredible to be in the room with 20,000 young people for 12 hrs seeking the face of God and interceding for the nation before the feet of Jesus!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Thoughts from Lindsey- Life thus far

DI this year has already been life changing for me this year. It has only been four months and I have changed so much. God has taught me so much about who He really is and how much He truly loves me.

I have also met some amazing people throughout this year starting with the amazing DIs I am surrounded by daily and learning from Dan and David Perkins in class. I am also gaining wisdom from Brent Parsley and Aaron Stern. DI has, thus far, been a great experience.

The first part that impacted me was going to all the prayer meetings. If you would have told me a year ago that I would be praying two hours daily I would have thought you were crazy. Prayer meetings in the Furnace have been so amazing and impacting. I have grown so close to God by seeking his face daily and crying out for change in my life and my generation. If there is anything I could say has helped me through life it is those prayer meetings.

Being part of _tag, the student ministry here at New Life, has also been amazing. Impacting students lives to help them seek after God has been a privilege. Just being a part of this movement by God is worth giving God a year of my life to greater advance His kingdom. From tour, to _tag, to the conference we are just getting started on creating, God is doing so much this year in my life and the lives around me.

Peace and Love!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Thoughts from Joel- Home

Hey Everyone, My name is Joel and I am a DI and I just wanted to tell how wonderful of a break I had. I got to catch up on a lot of sleep, spend time with friends, snowboard, and relax but most of all I had some awesome experiences with God at Church and in my quiet time. I grew in faith and was then able to share my faith with my friends and family. It was a really good all-around experience.

Thoughts from Whitney- Break

Hello Everyone! I just want to fill you in on what I did on this wonderful Christmas Break. First, I started out with my friend from Australia coming to stay at my place for a week. It went well, and it was very nice to see her.

After she left I had some family time, which was AMAZING! I love my family, I have a little sister who just turned 5 and she is my pride and joy! Then for New Years, my family and I flew to Los Angeles, California to go to Disneyland/California Adventure…let me tell you, it was a BLAST.

My mom's sister ( my aunt ) and her family met us there. My cousin and I are best friends so we got to catch up on life and have an amazing time on the the rides. My two favorite rides where Tower of Terror and Screamin’. Then I came home and now I'm back in wonderful Colorado with all of my DI family and friends!

I am Blessed!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Thoughts from Curtis- Desire


So over this Christmas break I read Psalm 73:25,
“Whom have I in heaven but you? There is none upon earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the Strength of my heart and my portion forever.”

My favorite Part of this psalm is when he says, “there is none upon earth that I desire besides you.” I love this so much because David was so content with his relationship with God that the things that the world had to offer ment NOTHING to him.

I think that passage is amazing. It shows me how when your heart is so matured, your needs, wants, and desires for carnal things dissipate, and your hunger for intimacy grows like crazy.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thoughts from Susan- Cleaning

It completely amazes me how God speaks to us through just about anything. For me during break, it was cleaning bathrooms. I’ve been trying to earn some extra money during break by detail cleaning bathrooms at the Lockheed Martin plant in Texas. At first I thought it was the most disgusting thing in the world and was way too good to be cleaning bathrooms. Somewhere along the line I actually started to enjoy it. I started to take pride in my work and the fact that I could transform a gross grimy bathroom into a sparkling one.

A few nights ago, as I was furiously scrubbing a particularly dirty sink, I had a rather odd thought. “God likes cleaning too!” It sounded pretty silly in my head because God certainly doesn’t clean bathrooms! Then after I thought about it, I realized it didn’t mean bathrooms; God loves to take his hurting children and clean up the mess in their lives.

Here's the thing; for the past year I haven’t trusted him enough to really come into my heart and clear it of the past. Sure, I let him come in every once in a while and take care of a few things, but parts of my heart kept clinging to the past no matter how much it was hurting me.

As many of the D.I.s could tell you, I’ve become a completely different person since coming to Colorado. I’m goofy, silly sassy Susan, and I like her way more than quiet, sad moody Susan. That’s the version of me that desperately clings to the past and refuses to let go when God is just trying to take all of it away. I don’t want that anymore, I don’t want to mull over what I’ve done and what I should have done to fix it. I’m tired of letting the enemy use the memories I’ve kept to make me so ashamed of everything. I’ve finally let go, let God come in and let Him take care of my mess. I only wish more people that live life clinging to their past could let God’s peace and joy reign over their hearts. Life’s a lot more pleasant like that.