Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thoughts from Curtis- Jesus on Leadership

Hey Everyone
So I have been reading this book called Jesus on leadership and I love it. If you are or you think you are a leader I would highly recommend this book. One point of this book that I just love is that a leader is like a person on a soccer team, more then someone playing golf trying to win a tour. I love this because a leader is one that is not self focused but team focused. Instead of trying to see what the best is for you, you think of others and always have the end in mind. Golf players are in it for themselves; They train for themselves, motivate themselves and get all the glory when and if they win. Soccer players on the other hand, they have to be motivated together. If one person does not see the same as the others they can easily give the game away because of their lack of focus on the end result. We as leaders need to work together in this world and not be so caught up in ourselves that we don’t see how our team is suffering from our independence. And when we start to work together like a team we will see how easy it is to lead others.

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