Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thoughts from Aly- The DI Plague

Over the past week and a half or so, a plague has hit our Desperation team. It doesn’t seem logical as to whom it hits or when, but when it hits, it’s not playing around! It chose to strike me last Thursday. I was down for the count. I spent 72 hours in bed, most of it sleeping. I didn’t have the energy to do anything.

I was praying about it the other day. I asked God why I was so ill and for such a long period of time. I’m not normally one to get sick. I had been sleeping a lot and eating healthy so why was I so sick? His answer caught me off guard.

The couple of weeks before I was sick had been particularly dry for me spiritually. I was distracted at prayer meetings. I only read my Bible out of habit. I would often speed read through just so I could say I finished my reading. My God time went from an hour or more of profound time with my Savior to being completely satisfied with half an hour of dry reading, journaling and listening to music.

God said I was spiritually sick long before I became physically sick. Because I was spiritually weak, I had opened myself up to physical sickness. It was the first time I connected my spiritual life to my physical well-being. It was a gigantic revelation to me. My spiritual life has become tied to every other aspect of my life, intricately involved to be exact. Because I was sick, it forced me to spend quality time resting. I was able to have my first productive God time in weeks. I felt refreshed and was on a God high for the rest of the night.

Since then my physical body is getting better much faster. More importantly, I’m not spiritually sick anymore. My heart feels alive again! So I would encourage you, check your spiritual health regularly. Don’t ignore your spiritual health it’s even more important than your physical health!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your blog. I stumbled upon it on accident. I have sick spiritually lately... and the past couple days i've had the worst stream of luck to go along with it. First I tore a ligament in my hand, then my car battery died as well as the car starter, and now i've lost my Clarkson University Student ID (which I need for everything). This stream of bad luck seems to be God's way of telling me to slow down and focus on him. I've been busy busy busy lately with everything else, I didn't realise I was getting spiritually sick. So, thank you for your blog. It has helped me in more ways than one.