Sunday, December 30, 2007

Thoughts from Alleli- Be Still

At my home church, my pastor was talking about Simeon. If you don't know who this guy is, he was the priest who blessed Mary, Joeseph, and baby Jesus. Simeon was the man who patiently waited for Jesus' arrival because it was promised to him. God told Simeon he wouldn't die until he saw the Messiah.

With that knowledge, Simeon waited patiently. He didn't go out to the temple and have his heart skip a beat seeing every newborn that was presented to the temple. He didn't constantly seek out families with newborns on the street corners. No, the day of baby Jesus' arrival at the temple, Simeon felt compelled by the holy spirit to go to the temple. It was like any other day and Simeon just felt he needed to be there to pray. BAM! Jesus was there.

I'm sure you've noticed that God's time and our time don't always coincide together harmoniously. Years are like seconds to our Creator. Ever asked God, "When will ____ happen?" and God says, "Soon, just hold your horses. Slow down. Be Still." ...But soon doesn't come soon enough.

What really caught me during my pastor's message was a renewed vision of Psalm 46:10- Be still and know that I am God.

I won't lie, being patient sometimes sucks. Sitting still sometimes sucks. Not having control over my own situation sometimes sucks.

...but good things come to those who wait upon the Lord. Look at Simeon; he got to see baby Jesus.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Thoughts from Kelly

I've never been through these waters, never played a part in such a battle. My body fails me but my spirit keeps advancing. The days leading up to December 9 were life-changing ones for me. My eyes were completely opened to the spiritual realm and the phrase "spiritual warfare" became a living reality in my life. Coincidence? I believe not!

God revealed to me something most Christians choose to ignore or pretend its not there at all. The battles I was fighting equipped me for the events that happened that tragic Sunday. We have a very real enemy whose only purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy. For the most part, this is done in the spiritual aspect. However, there are times when spiritual battles spill over into the physical realm. This is what I believe occurred. These days have not been easy, but a single phrase remains fixed in my mind: love only God, let Him equip you for battle, then fight with all God's put within you! Destroy the enemy!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Thoughts from Tiffany

Hi guys,

This week has turned out to be a very traumatic time, with the loss of Stephanie and Rachel Works. We have held many prayer meetings for the Works Family and many have relayed the words they themselves have been saying and are encouraged by how much faith and trust they continue to have in God with no bitterness or unforgiveness for the shooter. They continue to be a good example in showing the Love of Christ to all that are watching. I can’t imagine their grief, although I know what it is to lose somebody close to me. My brother died just one year ago.

I also know the strength that God gives and the unspeakable joy and peace that comes when you invite God to share in the sufferings with you, not allowing fear or bitterness to well up within you but choosing instead to worship God simply because He is loving, faithful and true (because of who He is).

As I have thought about this last weekend at all that took place Sunday I am reminded in Revelation 2:10

“Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

Jesus says we will face persecution. It is inevitable, but not to be afraid because He is with us. They can kill our physical bodies, but they will never kill our spirit. When Jesus lived here on this earth He also was persecuted, beaten and killed, the apostles were also treated the same way. Why? It was because what they were preaching was truth and convicted the people, making the people around them realize what they did was sin, and that they would be judged for it if they didn’t stop.

In Matthew 24:9 Jesus says "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.”

Persecution will come when we are living a life pleasing to God and advancing His kingdom because the devil and his kingdom is being threatened. Scripture says we don’t fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. That’s means even though circumstances like these happen, we need to not be angry at those people but more and more awakened to the reality of powers and rulers of this age in the spiritual realm that are trying to destroy us because we are spreading the Love of God and people are getting saved for the fire of hell..

In John 12:24 “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”

I believe that God is using the death of the Works sisters to advance the Kingdom of God in our city and around the world. So don’t allow fear to seize your hearts or discouragement...but rejoice because we are advancing the kingdom of God and defeating the enemy !!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Thoughts from Cassie

It's monday morning, and many of the DI's are still reeling from yesterday's events. After the shootings occured, many of us were sad, angry, or simply numb. We were so blessed because every DI had left the church only minutes before the shooting happened. It was very emotional for me personally because my sister was in the main building when the shooting took place and was ushered into lock down with the rest of the crowd that had been milling about in the lobby after second service. My immediate reaction was fear for her, then sadness for those that I knew would be deeply affected by these events.

Then a new emotion arose...anger. I remeber my thought being, "How dare anyone come into my church where my sister was and try to harm these wonderful people!" Of course my feelings of rage have cooled since yesterday, but one sentiment has remained--

I refuse to victimize myself.

Instead, I will rise up. I will offer God's peace and love to those that feel the sting of this attack. I will pray for the families who have been affected. We have all been affected, but I choose to not be defeated. Not only do I pray for it, but I know that we will emerge stronger than before. It has been said that "The blood of the martyrs fuels the flame of revival" and I firmly believe it.

I encourage all to pray for the families and friends of those affected and for those who first hand experienced the trauma. Pray for strength for all of us to deal with the days and weeks to come. Finally, pray for a revival, a new kind of passion and zeal to be birthed out of this.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Thoughts from Tiffany

Hey guys!

I just wanted to share some things God’s been speaking to me during my alone time with God. I have been reading John because I just really want to know God’s Character not just in my mind, but in the deepest parts of my heart, and to understand how I am to live in this world, Considering He is to be our example.
So I was reading John 10:2-3 “The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of His Sheep. The watchman opens the gate for Him, and the sheep listen to His voice..”
As I have been thinking about this and studying it as well as Isaiah 62:6-7 I have really been challenged and convicted both at the same time. A watchman in the Old Testament was a person who would stay up all day/night and if there was any coming danger would sound the trumpet as a warning Eze 3:17.., (a guard, to keep). They also have the job of opening the doors for non threatening visitors allowing them to come into their city for food and safety.

As I have been reading this, God says that we are watchmen over our generation, I believe one of our jobs is to open the doors (gates) for God to come and transform our generation, we do that through our prayer and worship (intersession). We must see the weightiness that our prayers hold in the Kingdom of Heaven (James 5:16b Amp—the earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. “ . I believe just as in Isaiah 56:10 “or the leaders of my people-the Lord's watchmen, his shepherds-are blind to every danger. They are like silent watchdogs that give no warning when danger comes. They love to lie around, sleeping and dreaming.”
This seems to be the condition of the majority of our generation. God is calling us to a higher level of accountability on how we spend our time in this world and what we invest ourselves in. We are to be the kind of watchmen described in Isaiah 62:6-7 “I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.”
We are God’s hands, and voice in this earth so let us do it right!

Thoughts from Matt

John 4:32
"I have food to eat that you know nothing about" – Jesus
God, we say we are hungry. We say we want to know you deeper and truly want to be desperate for you. Then why do we settle for less? We settle for the scrapes of food and the milk, which we weren’t made to have. You have placed aside real food that we were meant to feast upon and yet we ignore it.

Could it be that when we settle for less, when we settle for milk, we are denying God and who we truly are in Him. When this great story is revealed and this omnipotent and loving God comes into relationship with us are we not denying it in some way when we say no to the fullness. Are we not to take hold of everything to the fullness that He has taken hold of us?
You say that You have food that we know nothing about. Food that is beyond our finite minds to understand is out there but yet we know nothing about it. WHY?

We settle for less when we should only be settling for the Fullness of Christ. We settle for milk and are filling ourselves with it, which is turning our hearts complacent. We become comfortable where we are at so that the new seasons and revelations God is putting in front of us slowly fade away.

If we truly seek the face of God and grow in new revelations, the things that were outside our finite minds now rest within. Let our finite minds expand so that we may know and taste of this food we know nothing about and find the fullness of Christ. We say we want to know of this food by breaking off the complacent chains that have held us down for so long. The complacent life is the old. The basic principles of Christ, which we so often fall for, take place of the fresh revelations and image of Christ that is trying to break through today.

We no longer live in the understanding that we had of You last year. We no longer rely on the image we had of You yesterday. The joy and love that we had yesterday is not today’s. No, we say we want a fresh revelation of who You are. Let Your image and character become clearer everyday. Let something new fall upon us everyday. New joy, new love, new life. What was meant for last season and the season years ago no longer holds us. No, we say that season is now apart of us and we are ready for the new. We are ready for the revelation of today. The brighter and clearer image of You takes over today. Something new resides in us.
The food we know of is the basics. It is what is comfortable in our lives right now when all along it is hindering us because we are settling for anything and everything except for the fullness of Christ. There is a food, a life, a passion out there we know nothing about. Something beyond our what we can grasp. God we ask You to expand our finite brains.

Expand the limits, the old, the complacent. As we see Him, the food that we never knew about becomes apart of us. As we move into the new revelations and image of who He is; the unknown food becomes known, the impossible becomes possible.

Thoughts from Cassie

My year in DI (so far) has been one of the best years of my life! I have grown so much in the last few months, in EVERY area. I cannot believe that yesterday, I ran/walked just about three miles, when in high school I was the girl that always volunteered to hold the stop watch while everyone else ran the mile.

Last night we had an acoustic prayer meeting that was fantastic. I wish everyone in the world could have been there to see the twinkling lights of Colorado Springs and listen to Joe Couch and the band, the simple beauty of it made my heart so glad. God has been so good to me this week. I am continually learning that my own strength falls short of God’s plan for me every day. This is the sweetest lesson to learn because when you reach the end of yourself, then you find God and when you rely on his strength, you will never grow tired and always have joy to spare. God bless!

Psalm 28:7
The Lord is my strength and my shield;
In him my heart trusts, and I am helped;
My heart exults,
And with my song I give thanks to him

Thoughts from Aly

The Lord has been revealing to me the importance of waiting on Him. Just recently, I spent the night at the World Prayer Center. From 8pm to 8am, I waited on the Lord and interceded for this generation. He taught me the importance of relying on Him for my strength as I struggled to stay awake and focused. He showed me that when I was so busy trying to do all the things I thought would please Him, but in reality He just wanted me to wait on Him and soak in His presence. Since spending that night with Him, I have had considerable more strength and a deeper hunger for His presence.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”
Psalm 27:14

As I wait for the Lord I find my strength. I don’t find it when I am busy doing things for Him. I don’t find it when I am striving and straining to please Him. Even in worship, if my heart is not waiting on Him I find no strength. When I wait on the Lord, my strength is renewed. My strength is found when I am quiet. When I recognize that He is big and I am not, and when I sit and wait for Him to speak.

Thoughts from Aaron

So, do you ever just sit around and look at your friends and their talents and start to feel a little envious? At times I have to catch myself because I'll drift off into a fantasy world where I can see myself better than everyone else because I have all of their talents combined.

It's fun to play out what life would be like, but I also can't stand it when I do it. Lately God has been telling me "WHO CARES! I made you who you are, why aren't you satisfied?" I am still learning to love my friends for their strong points and to stop being so envious. It takes work, but I don't want to be like them. Then I wouldn't be the awkward little loveable fellow that I am. I love the way I work, I am the original design God made me to be. I love the feeling of being unique, the only one of me. I sense God's love so much more when I realize that even before the heavens and earth were formed, He made me to be different from everyone else...

...besides, who really wants webbed feet? Seriously.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thoughts from Curtis

So this past week there was a verse in the bible that got my attention. The verse is Matt 6:19 it talks about how we need to not lay up treasures on this earth but in heaven. And I was kind of thinking, what does that look like? We as Christians, I think, need to be known for our love of God and our love of people.
It says in Matt 22:39 when he tells the Pharisees the Second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. I think that people need to see Christ through our life. And as we treat others as we want to be treated, as we display random acts of kindness, they will see the love of God through us. And through these acts of kindness we store up treasures in heaven…

Thoughts from John

Recently over and over again I have been reflecting on this passage of Isaiah:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
I give Egypt for your ransom,
Cush and Seba in your stead.
Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life.
Isaiah 43: 1- 4

The first phrase of this is what really hit me and I had to look up the word redeemed and I found one of its definitions as:
to obtain the release or restoration of, as from captivity, by paying a ransom

When I read this, I began to feel strength and comfort in who I was. I don’t have to fear for I have already been paid for. I know I know its very cliché comment, but I truly felt it. Then Isaiah began to list the things that could cause us to fear and assures us we don’t need to be fearful because God will protect us.
That is why I believe that being in the center of God’s will as many people say is the safest place can be true. However, it might not seem to be the case. I constantly want to know what God has planned for me so I can begin praying and preparing my self for it. I so desperately want clarity when God has something better in store. When a man once asked mother Teresa where she gets her clarity from because she had it so together but she simply replied, “I don’t ask for clarity I ask for faith.” What a strong statement that is! We may want the easy rewarding thing full of clarity but I am diving deeper into God’s faith rather than his clarity.
For me, it’s not easy; its hard its painful it means sacrificing my pride but after all I am Precious and honored in God’s sight. How awesome is that and how can I trust in anything but that? So for now I give up on the clarity five year plan and I am taking it one blink at a time. For me, this means sacrificing my own desires and looking only at his. I struggle and it's easy to talk about it, but the challenge for all of us is to quit talking about it and live it. After all, we are His and He is looking out for our best!

Thoughts from Macy

One HUGE thing that God is pressing on me lately is the concept of a genuine and willing heart. God delights so much in us being completely open to whatever or wherever he is calling. I have to admit this is something I have always known, but never put into practice. It wasn’t like I chose to ignore this aspect of Christianity, it’s just I never felt worthy enough to be willing. Last Thursday I was seeking God completely unaware of this whole “Willing Heart” concept when this verse hit me:

For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. 26 Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things–and the things that are not–to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him. 30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God–that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31 Therefore, as it is written: “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:25-31

From there my heart has been completely bent on making sure I am open and receptive to everything God is telling me to do. More so God has convicted me of my motivation behind doing the things I’m doing.
On Alleli’s last blog she talked about emotion being a byproduct. Going off that, I believe when we do anything without pure intentions it is like vomit to God. This would include things such as fasting, worshipping, and even praying. I made a goal last month not to do anything unless it was with a pure heart with the right motives. Since then I have seen my prayer, fasting, and worship life become deeper than it’s ever been. I want to encourage everyone to really go with the right heart when they come before Jesus. He recognizes and sees the willingness to serve, and will take delight in you!

Thoughts from Alleli

Hey everybody!

So my two cents for the day would have to be about worship music. Many of the other interns will tell you I'm all about this. My accountibility group is probably sick of me talking about this. But I will tell you right now, I will never tire from this since I feel so convicted.

A friend of mine at college once said to me, "Emotion should be a byproduct of the way you worship." BAM, conviction in my heart. So many times I've put my emotions first. I stick my hands up in the air during the bridge of a song because it's the most climatic part. You know what I'm talking about, right?

Since I've been in Colorado Springs, I've made it a point to have my heart in the right place when I sing in worship. Sometimes, I'll stop singing...stop moving...stop everything. I focus on what the words are up on the screen. I shut my eyes and concentrate hard on what I'm singing. Am I singing to be singing, or am I singing because I love my God and I can't help but sing?

Don't get me wrong. Music is my passion. I love the complicated fills a drummer can do. I love the double and triple strums of an accomplished guitarist. I love the two and three part harmonies. I genuinely love every aspect of music; I love belting out the harmionies. I love raising my hands up to my Jesus. I love falling on my face and crying out to God.

By no means should emotion be elliminated from the way we worship...but by no means is it the focus.