Monday, April 7, 2008

Thoughts from Macy- The Blessed Will of God

Philippians 4:9 "Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."

What is my purpose in life? Am I even doing this whole, "walk with God" right? God has hope to give me a future, but what if I'm screwing that future up? Is this the will of God?

Me, as well as a lot of you, I'm sure have come to the cross roads of these questions. Some times I think, "I have to know it all NOW or my life is automatically off God's will." These questions/thoughts can only lead to one thing, and let me be the first to tell you it ain't Jesus. These thought patterns are awful to get into. It can make you feel guilt, shame, mistrust, and temptation. It will lead you down the road to questioning your faith, and your foundation as a whole.

So, let's look at your foundation. What is it built on? Silly things like church hymns, and memorized scriptures? or is it built on the characteristics of Jesus. Look at the scripture above. Now, answer me this: Why are we worried about the future? The solution to being in God's will is incredibly simple- Do things as Jesus did, do them as he tells you to, and do them well.

As humans we must feel it's our responsibility to over complicate things Jesus did. For some reason or another, it is near impossible for us to think that something so vast, such as completing God's perfect will for our life, can have such an effortless answer. Start believing my friends. By looking at this scripture you should see that the more your worrying about the future the more your eating tomorrow's Mana. All God has for us today it to practice what we already know. In other words, eat the Mana God intends for you today, in this moment. By doing this we will be one step closer to seeing the fullness of God. Relax, do what God says, and walk in the on-going, everlasting, wonderful, spectacular, peace of God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I Love this Macy!
I think we are in the same place right now. That was full of wisdom! Good job sister.