Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thoughts from Cassie- Submitting Control
A huge thing God has been teaching me through it all, especially tour, is how to find rest and peace when everything around you seems to be pulling you at light speed. When a storm hits, it is human nature to sink your fingernails into anything stable to keep yourself from flying away. But Jesus himself is a prime example that the opposite course of action is the one we are called to take. Jesus prays in Matthew while kneeling face to face with the biggest trial he ever faced, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” And with those words released control of his life to God’s all knowing will.
It is the hardest thing to do, I think the most difficult decision Jesus faced, submitting his life in that way. This is the same decision we as Christian’s are called to every day. The words I hear in my ear every time I feel my heart beating fast with panic, or start clutching for something to hold on to “Let go and let Me be God” are the most terrifying and the most comforting. So what do I do in the mean time? Worship. In worship I have found peace, comfort, release, and most importantly an expression of my faith, my belief that God really is in control, He really does love me, He really is good.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Thoughts from Curtis- No worries
After our lunch I was suddenly reminded of the verse where Jesus tells us not to worry about our life (Matt6:25). After that verse jumped in to my head, I just felt like I didn’t care about anything...not in a hippie way. I think that when we put our trust in God and not worry about tomorrow and what we think it will bring.
God will lead us where we need to go and what we need to do. I want to challenge you right now if you are worried about school, college, work, ECT. If there is something worrying you right now, I want to encourage you to put your faith in God; trust in him and he will lead you through whatever you are going through. It says in the word he has a plan for us so if we believe that he does and put our faith in him we have nothing to worry about.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thoughts from Kelly- Trusting
Have you ever felt helpless, stuck in an unchangeable situation? I’ve recently come to a time in my life like this, but unlike any other time, I actually came out enjoying it. It’s weird, I know. I recently heard a message about living a broken life before God, no matter what your circumstances are. It’s in this state of brokenness when you can come before God absolutely desperate for Him, knowing that He is the only one that can fix it, that can put the pieces together for you.
This message was so timely for me. Early this week I came to a spot where I just stopped and asked myself: what is my life about, what’s my purpose, my vision? In all actuality I have no clue and that’s finally okay!! I am an achiever by nature, so I feel like that I have to have a plan, some course of action in order to be successful. However, God is totally shaking me in this. Can I not be content to just be living in His will?? Do I have to live up to the standard my flesh yells at me, or can I rest in God??
By no means do I believe I have passed this obstacle and conquered these questions, but I do know that the spirit of God inside of me has become stronger than my flesh these past few days and I have found myself completely broken in the presence of God, but living in a greater joy, each day better than the last. While truly relying on God, I have myself trusting Him and being filled in every way I could ever need. It’s from this goodness that my heart can “leap for joy” and I can live a fulfilling life.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thoughts from Whitney- Power
So with all of this power that has been given to us what are we doing with it? I know for me personally I'm not doing much. Don’t get me wrong, I will have my days when I totally feel the presence of God and I'll walk right up to somebody and God speaks through me.
It's not that some days you ‘feel” God, and some days you don’t; God is ALWAYS with us and always wants to speak to us. We just have to unplug our ears and listen…
He has so much on the other side of the door, and sometimes I feel like we just stand looking at the door…too afraid to see the treasures God has for us. Maybe our eyes are not mature enough to see them yet, but we need to take a step of faith and open the door that’s before us…The treasures are worth the pain.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thoughts from Curtis- Tour
Hey everyone I Just got back form tour and it was amazing! One of my most memorable moment on tour was in Fort Smith Arkansas, during the prayer portion of the prayer meeting, was hearing the prayers of the students I was praying with.
At first they seemed a little scared and timid, but all of the sudden it was like a fire just ignited and their prayers completely changed. To hear the prayers form these kids broke my heart in so many ways. They were hungry for something deeper then they have ever experienced, and were willing to do whatever it takes to get it. They prayed for their schools, friends, church and so much more.
This tour was beyond words for me because of the way God moved and how people’s lives were changed. It is so hard to right this blog today because I don’t have the words to tell you what happened.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Thoughts from Alleli- Forgiveness
When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, "Oh, Lord, please leave me -- I'm too much of a sinner to be around you."
Jesus had healed the sick, raised people from the dead, and casted demons out of those possessed. Yet he also cared about the struggles of daily living. He filled boats with fish after a bad day of fishing. He paid attention to the children when everybody else ignored them. He cried with friends mourning the death of family members.
So why would He not care about you? He knows you better than you know yourself. I have had many friends say to me, "Oh God could never love me. He doesn't want me. I've done too many bad things..."
What a load of CRAP. Take a look at the many stories in the Gospels:
One of Jesus' disciples, Matthew (or Levi), was a tax collector. Tax collectors were generally considered dishonest men in the community since they took more than what the government required and keeping excess for their own personal piggy bank.
Jesus spoke to a Samaritan woman at the well. The Samaritans were a despised group of people by the Jewish community for the immorality of their ancestors. He also went as far as to offer "living water" and speak of her private life and still forgive her of her sins.
There was a woman in Luke 7 who annointed Jesus' feet with perfume. She knew her many sins were forgiven and couldn't help but praise Jesus by anointing him with fragrances and washing his feet with her tears.
Ummm....I could keep going, but my point is Jesus isn't looking to bash us over our heads with our sins. Jesus has grace and we need to accept that grace. Granted, we can't just go around doing things we know aren't healthy or legal and just figure God will forgive us. That defeats the purpose. You know, every time I read the Gospels, I get a new revelation and insight on just to how much God has really forgiven me. It astounds me every time I think about it and it also makes me realize just how much I really need Jesus to have control over my life.
It says in Luke, "Healthy people don't need a doctor-- sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent." I plan on taking that to heart. I'm sick, I need Jesus. I accept the gift of grace and forgiveness He offers. I encourage you to do the same.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Thoughts from Macy- The Blessed Will of God
What is my purpose in life? Am I even doing this whole, "walk with God" right? God has hope to give me a future, but what if I'm screwing that future up? Is this the will of God?
Me, as well as a lot of you, I'm sure have come to the cross roads of these questions. Some times I think, "I have to know it all NOW or my life is automatically off God's will." These questions/thoughts can only lead to one thing, and let me be the first to tell you it ain't Jesus. These thought patterns are awful to get into. It can make you feel guilt, shame, mistrust, and temptation. It will lead you down the road to questioning your faith, and your foundation as a whole.
So, let's look at your foundation. What is it built on? Silly things like church hymns, and memorized scriptures? or is it built on the characteristics of Jesus. Look at the scripture above. Now, answer me this: Why are we worried about the future? The solution to being in God's will is incredibly simple- Do things as Jesus did, do them as he tells you to, and do them well.
As humans we must feel it's our responsibility to over complicate things Jesus did. For some reason or another, it is near impossible for us to think that something so vast, such as completing God's perfect will for our life, can have such an effortless answer. Start believing my friends. By looking at this scripture you should see that the more your worrying about the future the more your eating tomorrow's Mana. All God has for us today it to practice what we already know. In other words, eat the Mana God intends for you today, in this moment. By doing this we will be one step closer to seeing the fullness of God. Relax, do what God says, and walk in the on-going, everlasting, wonderful, spectacular, peace of God.
Thoughts from Aly- Singleness
I know the answer to these questions....the someone is not a man or a woman, it is Jesus Christ. He is the only person who can ever tell you who you Him. He is the only one who can make you a whole person so you can pour into others without being afraid of running dry. He will tell you He loves you in so many ways and so many times that you will never have reason to doubt. And if you do, He'll tell you again and again just how much He loves you until you believe Him again. All you have to do is ask. In His arms, you will be truly satisfied. Not a fleeting satisfaction, but a lasting all-encompassing satisfaction. When you allow Him to speak into your life and heart and be constantly by your side, you will never be lonely. In the dead of night, He is there. When you are shedding those silent, agonizing tears, He is there. Even when you can't express your pain in words, when another human being would be helpless to understand, He knows exactly what you need and can touch your heart in a way no one else can.
Many times, as I go through life, people ask me why I am single. I'm single not because of circumstance or necessity, but by choice. I am choosing God and He is more than I ever dreamed. It sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? That's what I first thought, but He has continued to whisper into my ear over and over and I am certain now. He is more than enough. I am content being single. Not a grudging acceptance, but content...satisfied....happy to be single. Now, in my time of singleness, I can chase after God with all of my devotion. A verse in Acts has caught my attention.
“He had four unmarried daughters who prophesied.” Acts 21:9 (NIV emphasis added)
This is such a small, often overlooked verse, but it has so much to teach. The daughters were unmarried....and they prophesied. There is a power in singleness because of the devotion you have the opportunity to give Him. Another key word is four. There wasn't just one daughter who hadn't yet been married off. There were four. In that day and age, daughters were usually married off as quickly as possible so the father didn't have so many to care for. This strikes me as unusual that there were four of them all at the same time and ALL of them prophesied.
Don't look at your singleness as a curse, look at it as an opportunity. Now is the time I can serve God and learn who I am. A time to develop my character and pour my life out for others.