I just got off the phone with a man interested in starting his own internship program and he said something that really hit me. We can doing anything starting with the foundations of God and grace, but we as humans can turn anything into legalism. As humans, we all have weaknesses in our grace. I recognize this live among a world that shows this.
My heart cries out for a generation to hold themselves not to individual standards, but a generation that holds the standards of God. One of the greatest views I see in God is His love and grace. He has so much and is willing to give it to all of us, but He will eventually hold us all to the same standard. God’s love in consistent and equally infinite to all.
What I am learning and seeing is God wants us to all to recognize He loves us so much (and if you don’t believe me check out Zephaniah 3:17 or read Passion for Jesus by Mike Bickle)! The thing I struggle with and realize is we all don’t feel like God “speaks to us”, but the question I am now forced to answer is am I really listening? How can I say I don’t know God’s love or I don’t hear God today when I am not looking for these things?
We can’t be caught up in what we aren’t seeing and we have to concentrate on what we can see and what we hope for. We must stop condemning ourselves for the sake of self pity. I have faith in God, and I know that all times will come to pass with proper listening and action. So I encourage you take some time everyday to listen to God and love some people. With these actions we will begin to shift from condemning legalism to a generation living in love and making God’s love complete.