Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thought from Aly

Hello friends! The DI’s have just returned from an amazing tour across the Midwest! God did powerful things in the lives of students and in my heart. Over the course of the 5 nights of prayer, God taught me to step out in boldness and not be afraid to lead. The first night I was praying with a group of students who were distracted and not willing to participate. I felt God telling me to pray as an example then ask them to pray for specific things then just wait. There were 4 or 5 minutes of awkward silence because none of them were praying. I really wanted to pray to fill the silence, but God was telling me to be silent. We finished the group time with none of them having prayed and I was pretty discouraged. As I was leaving the auditorium, one of the girls stopped me and thanked me for leading strong and being an example because otherwise it would have been terribly awkward and boring. So even though I didn’t feel like I accomplished anything God used my obedience to work in the life of at least the one girl. Obedience is important so keep obeying and the Lord will bless you!

1 comment:

David Perkins said...

Great job.. this is soooo true! Example is everything.

Well done!